Dr. Heather Kirchart



Dr. Kirchart’s parents bred Saint Bernards, so growing up, she has had ample opportunity to see veterinarians at work. As a girl, she would tell anyone interested that she was going to be a veterinarian. She worked at kennels as a teenager, and later as a vet assistant. She completed her undergraduate studies at Penn State University and received her Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris from the University of Pennsylvania. Columbia Pike Animal Hospital was her very first, (and last, she says) staff position. We have enjoyed her as a part of our team since 2002. Dr. Kirchart enjoys all aspects of caring for animals but excels in the areas of soft tissue surgery and abdominal ultrasonography.

Her clients speak of her compassion and willingness to not end any appointment without answering every question and thoroughly explaining her treatment plan. She relishes her time with her family and friends at the beach and enjoys world travel. When she is not with her family, husband John, children Jack and Reagan, and their Pug Lincoln, she enjoys a long jog and likes to catch up on the latest “tea,” `a la the Bravo Channel.

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